Friday, March 23, 2012

The wonderful world of Minerals

Bathymetric map

A bathymetric map serves the same purpose as a topgraphic map, only the bathymetric map negotiates the delineation of elevation on the ocean floor.  Again, the map above demonstrates how contour lines and shaded areas distinguish the varying levels of elevation.

Topographic Map

The illustration above demonstrations how a topographic map expresses elevation of a geographical area.  Contour lines are used to map elevation areas with grading heights displayed on each line.  Within the "intervals" more contour lines are drawn to show variance with the area.  The methodology would also work on a 3-D image.

Isarithmic Map

The map above demonstrates the purpose of an isarithmic map.  In an isarithmic map, lines are drawn onto the map to group geographic locations together according to subject ranges.  The above map groups geographic areas in accordance with annual average temperatures according to season.  As expressed in the map, annual temperatures appear contingent upon longitudinal areas as opposed to any major factor.

Cloropleth Map

Above is an example of a cloropleth map.  A cloropleth map serves as a tool to represent color coding with area representation matching the color scheme.  In this example of US population density, the darker colors are representative heavy populated areas while lighter colors represent the opposite.  The cloropleth map is used in a variety of ways to demonstrate comparative locations for the observer to contrast areas on a map aside from physical location.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Here is a map of Annual Rain Precipitation in Georgia.  Notice the different amounts of rain portions of Georgia receive each year.

Friday, January 27, 2012

According to, the running path from the Shwe degan Pagoda and around about 6 miles of road which travels parallel to the Thiri Nandar Lake posses many different types of rock formations.  Most of which are granitoid formations with granite and quartz rocks as well. These rock formations come from three major belts along the South Eastern formations which include the Eastern, Central, and Western Granitoid belts.